About Me

Hello, My name is Geoffrey Park, and welcome to my portfolio website. I am an aspiring game dev currently studying in the GIMM program at Boise State University, and this website was made to show off the projects I have created thus far. I have experience in game design, unity, 2d art and animation, UI/UX design, and some web design. I desire to work in a creative field like game development as I feel it will allow me to really express my artistic abilities, as well as allow me to further grow my skills.

My Skills

Portfolio Artifacts

Artifact 1 - Semester 1 Final Animation

This first artifact is the final animation project I did for GIMM 100, showcasing all that I learned within the class. The specific things that I learned in the class was to use multiple different Adobe products, things like Photoshop, Illustrator, and Animate, but I also made use of Illustrator, Animate, and Premiere Pro specifically for this project. There are several aspects of this project that made it fun for me, but the process of conceptualizing the animation at the beginning of the semester was one of the things I enjoyed the most, as I was able to make use of a picture I had drawn earlier in the semester and build a short story around it. I also really enjoyed designing the robot I made for the animation, as I initially made it as a whole design, before essentially splitting it into parts and designing each individual part to be assembled together within the animation itself.

Skills: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Animate, and Premiere Pro

Artifact 2 - Semester 2 Final Animation

This next artifact is the final animation project I did for GIMM 200, this project showcasing how I have improved on the skills I initially learned within 100, specifically Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Animate being the programs that I’ve grown with and are on display in this animation. The part of this animation that was the most fun for me to do had to be creating the design of the airship displayed below the video to the left, as I had a lot of fun coming up with a design that I felt satisfied with, as well as having the opportunity to bring it to life in my animation.

Skills: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Animate, and Premiere Pro

Artifact 3 - Semester 2 UX Project

This artifact was another that I worked on during my time in GIMM 200, in which we were assigned to create a prototype of an app, the contents of the app being our choice. The things I was able to learn during this project mainly revolved around learning what sort of elements various apps used, and how to incorporate them into a design of my own creation, as well as how to create an interactive prototype using Adobe XD. The aspects of this project that was fun for me was the process of figuring out what elements I should use for an app, as I had chosen to create a music app, I needed to figure out what common features exist in many already existing apps, as well as what sorts of unique features they had. I then took what I learned and incorporated them all together to create the final product.

Skills: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD

Artifact 4 - Student Project Concept Art

This artifact is a bit different from the others, as it showcases some concept art work I did for a student game project I was invited to make things for. These specific pieces of art are concepts for some of the weapons that would be available in game, the top design being for a shotgun type weapon and is the variant of the design chosen by the project lead, and the bottom weapon is a stationary turret style weapon. Each of these designs were given to me with a sketch of the basic shape the concept team wanted for each weapon, but afterwards I was essentially given free reign to design them however I liked. Through creating these concepts I was able to learn more about the tools I had been using for much of my prior work, as well as get a handle on tweaking each piece to better fit the visual feel of the project as our project leads wanted it. I had a lot of fun creating these, going from an initial sketch given to me by the concept team, to looking for references to get a better understanding of how I should draw specific parts, to finally completing the piece to both my own and the team's liking.

Skills: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop

Artifact 5 - Semester 1 Individual Game Project

This artifact is my Individual Game Project from GIMM 110, in which we created a 2D game within Unity using what we learned about Unity through class as well as the book “Ultimate Guide to 2D Game Development with Unity”. The things that I learned surrounding this project were mainly how to use Unity in general, how to script objects to make them do certain things alongside making use of already existing scripts, as well as how to create my own custom artwork for a 2D game. The part of this project I had the most fun doing was probably creating the sprites, as I got more of a chance to create unique digital art myself, and designing the two levels for my game, as I’ve always had a bit of a fascination with level designing.

Skills: Unity 2D, Visual Studio Code, C#, Adobe Illustrator

Artifact 6 - Semester 1 Group Project

This artifact is the things I made for the group project we did in GIMM 110, we created a 2D Augmented Reality game in Unity in which specific game objects were tied to cards that, when viewed on a phone screen that has the game installed, allowed you to create a short little platforming game. The main elements that I worked on for this project were the sprite assets, similar to my Individual Game Project, with my 4 favorites displayed to the left there. What I learned from this project was how to work well as a group when creating a game, as we all had different roles to accomplish, we needed to plan out meeting times and work together to assemble the game completely. When it comes to the fun I had in this project, I think the most fun part was simply seeing our game working, as we not only had a functioning game working as we planned, but I also got to see the sprites I made in motion.

Skills: Unity 2D, Adobe Illustrator